Castle of Grazzano Visconti

The 150.000 square meter Park of the Grazzano Visconti Castle was created at the beginning of the ‘900.

Castle of Grazzano Visconti

Castle of Grazzano Visconti

Designed by Duca Giuseppe Visconti di Modrone the park is an eclectic example of styles with elements of Italian, French and English gardens.

The castle was refurbished at the beginning of the XX century in neo-medieval style, raising the structure, transforming the towers and inserting arch windows.

Quadrangular with cylindrical and square towers the castle is surrounded by Ghibelline merlons.

At the entrance, the joints of a draw-bridge are visible. The moat has been filled in.

Close by there are two defense towers of the XV century and the S.Anna Oratory which dates to 1684.

Under the portico of Cortevecchia, an area dedicated to agricultural machines has been created to testify the peasant origins of the village. Many pieces date to the beginning of the 1900’s in particular numerous tractors which testify the evolution of agricultural work brought on by mechanization.


End of March to End of June, Settembre to the beginning of November: Saturday and Sunday. Weekdays only groups with reservation.


Sources: “Piacenza e la sua provincia” di Leonardo Cafferini, Nuova Litoeffe, Castelvetro Piacentino; 2005.
“Piacenza un format che attrae i turisti” a cura dell’amministrazione provinciale di Piacenza, Fantigrafica s.r.l.; 2008.
Picture: Wikipedia


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