

Pìcula ad caval

ingredienti pìcula ad caval


500 grams minced horse meat
2 glasses dry white wine
1 minced onion
1 carrot
1 chopped pepper
250 grams tomato sauce
extra virgin olive oil
garlic clove


Pìcula ad caval ( or Pìcula ‘d caval) is one of the most famous dishes of the Piacenza cuisine.

The name in dialect “Pìcula d’caval” is often erroneously translated in Italian “piccola di cavallo” ( small amount of horse meat).

Actually, the adjective “Picula” in Piacenza dialect means “reduced” while the noun “Picula” means a helping.

Therefore, in last analysis, “Picula ad caval” means a “portion of horse meat”.

Once considered a “dish for poor people”, today it has been revaluated by the Italian and international cuisines, thanks to the many beneficial qualities of horse meat,  low in fat, highly digestible, high level of iron.

This meat is often recommended to athletes, children, pregnant women and anemics.

The origin of this recipe most likely comes from  military tradition: the abundance of horses made this an ingredient easy to get and use in the kitchens. Very easy to prepare, very tasty and in the winter, perfect with polenta.

Delicately saute’ diced onion in extra virgin  olive oil.

cipolle tritate




Add the meat and cook on a very low flame for about an hour adding white wine (at least two glasses). If the meat dries, add tomato sauce or broth.

Carne di Cavallo


Add diced pepper, 250 grams tomato sauce, chopped carrot and the aromatic herbs.


cottura lunga a fuoco basso


Cook for another 30/40 minutes on a very low flame. Add salt and pepper.

Serve with Polenta and red sparkling Bonarda Podere Casale Wine.


Abbinamento con bonarda frizzante

2 Responses

  1. Questo è una specie di ragù di cavallo. Io a Parma ho mangiato il “caval pist”, all’inizio pensavo che fosse la stessa cosa ma il caval pist non è cotto. Quindi la tua ricetta si mangia facendo il “puccino” con il pane?

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